Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I won’t be signing the Manhattan Declaration. Here’s why…

Four days ago a group of respected religious leaders released a document called the Manhattan Declaration. As of this morning, over 70,000 people have signed the document, including some of the most respected Christian scholars in the country. I won’t be one of those signers. I expect this decision is going to cause some consternation even in my own family since we are not all in agreement on this issue.

In trying to decide whether I would sign I asked myself a question. Would associating myself with this effort help me in advancing the work I think God is calling me to do? Would signing the Declaration help me love Washington, D.C. in a more Christ like way? Would signing this Declaration help me encourage Christians to live radical lives of sacrifice? Would signing this Declaration help me to tell my friends and neighbors – who are suspicious and distrustful of Christians – how Jesus came into this world to redeem them and have a relationship with them?

In each case the answer was an emphatic “no.”

That is not to say I disagree with the document, but doesn’t come close to addressing the biggest challenges facing the American church today. If anything it distracts the church from addressing its biggest failings and advancing the Kingdom of Christ against our sworn adversary. In doing so this Declaration gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

In a word, the Declaration is an indulgent exercise taken at a time when the Church cannot afford such efforts.

Over the next few days I will lay out some specific objections to the Document. Take some time to read it if you haven’t done so. http://www.manhattandeclaration.org/ Decide for yourself. But ask yourself, is this helping?


Gideon said...

John MacArthur also didn't sign the Manhattan Declaration ...


Gideon said...

R.C. Sproul also didn't


Gideon said...

Al Mohler did ... http://www.albertmohler.com/2009/11/23/why-i-signed-the-manhattan-declaration/

Gideon said...

Dr. Ronald Sider did ...


Gideon said...

J.D. Greear on why he signed it ...

Unknown said...


I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the great info you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon.

Man and Van battersea